
Some ask based on my first post how did I manage to find such a good deal for direct flight from Vancouver to Japan, Japan to Taiwan, Taiwan to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong back to Vancouver?
There is a site called YVR Deals
So many awesome deals are here! If you're a travel lover, make sure to sign up for the newsletter for this group!
They also have a private group on Facebook called "Vancouver Flight Deals & Travel Specials II ( YVR-2 )."
You need an invitation to get into this group. If you would like to join, feel free to private message me on Facebook, and I can add you in this group.
My Facebook link is 

Keep in mind that these deals are base in Vancouver =)
And guess whattttt? I thought Amy and my $1200cdn package deal was good enough. But there is a new post of "Three in One Trip to Asia" from Vancouver to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to Taiwan, Taiwanto Japan, and Japan back to Vancouver all for as low as $700cdn, taxes included on selected dates!!!
I believe the deal is still ongoing!!
有些人有看了我第一篇文章後有問我說我到底是在哪看到那麼便宜的機票從溫哥華到日本, 日本到台灣, 台灣到香港, 香港到溫哥華的機票優惠?
我有在追蹤一個網站叫做YVR Deals
這網站不訂時會顯示從溫哥華啟程的機票優惠! 如果你很愛到處趴趴走, 一定要註冊你的email就可以收到他們寄給你所有好康的優惠!
他們在臉書上也有一個私人的群組 叫做"Vancouver Flight Deals & Travel Specials II ( YVR-2 )."
這群組是需要通過邀請才可以加入的. 如果你想要加入, 可以臉書私訊我, 我可以加你進去這個組群
記住這些都是從溫哥華啟程的機票優惠喔 =)
我還以為我跟Amy$1200加幣的優惠已經算是非常不錯了, 但現在有個更厲害的是從溫哥華到香港,香港
到台灣, 台灣到日本, 日本回到溫哥華最低價錢
想要回亞洲好好玩一玩的朋友可以馬上訂了~ 現在這個優惠還在線上喔!


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