
I finally decided to write about my travel experiences. I had this thought for a long time already, but I had been procrastinating really badly.... lol
I wanted to share my travel experiences and hope that will help the people who are traveling =)
I have been traveling quite frequently since 2012, been to New York, Vegas, LA, Miami, Orlando, Cancun, Cuba, Bahamas, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Paris, London, Spain. 
The most recent travel experince I had was traveling to Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong back in October 2015.
Now allow me to use my blurred memory to share my one month travel experience in Asia~
我終於下定決心要寫有關自己的旅遊經驗 已經有這個想法很久了 但就是一直懶的寫..... lol 
會想要寫這個的出發點是想說可能可以幫助要出國的人給他們分享我的一點點經驗, 也算是我給自己的一個回憶錄 =)
從2012年起我就開始滿常出國的, 去過紐約 拉斯維加斯 洛杉磯 邁阿密 奧蘭多 墨西哥 古巴 巴哈馬 台灣 日本 新加坡 馬來西亞 香港 巴黎 倫敦 西班牙

[Before We Went出發之前]
My good friend, Amy, saw a flight deal back in end of July; it was direct flight from Vancouver to Tokyo, from Osaka to Taipei, from Taipei to Hong Kong, and from Hong Kong back to Vancouver for $1200 Canadian dollars after tax. So we pretty much decided right on the spot and booked the deal right away. Our schedule was ten days in Japan, two weeks in Taiwan, and just a weekend in Hong Kong.
從溫哥華飛到東京 從大阪飛到桃園 從桃園飛到香港 最後從香港飛回溫哥華機票稅後只要$1200加幣, 折合台幣不到三萬塊
重點是都是直飛!!! 馬上訂了就決定衝了
我們的行程是9/27到10/8在日本, 10/8到10/23在台灣, 最後10/23到10/26在香港

Every time before I go away, I do a lot of research. There are lots of ways how I research; I look at other people's Instagram posts, see their hashtags and possible check in location, and I go google and see the rating of the places they go to. I ask around my friends who have lived in or traveled to Japan. I also read a lot of people's blog on tips they give out on traveling in Japan.
Due to my hectic work schedule between August to mid September, I barely had the time to really look into the Japan trip until a week before we left Vancouver. The metro at Tokyo is so confusing, and I still couldn't have it all figured out before I left. Could have saved us more money if I had done my research properly on that lol
One week before we left, I spent about a whole day scheduling our daily activites in Japan. We planned for five days in Tokyo, two days in Kyoto, and two days in Osaka. 
I wish I had more time to do resarch before we left because I would have stayed at Kyoto for one day longer; there are so much to see there!
Since we have enough time touring in Tokyo, I had planned our daily activites base on the district. 
Tokyo is very big; there is A LOT of walking as all the tourist attractions are very far from one and other. I highly recommend to do research before you leave, it will save you so much time or trying to figure out directions. Google Map is super fucking legit lol! It is super precise, and everything is really on point. You can search it by selecting the time for departure, and it will list in details about how long it will take you, which platform you should get on, and even how much the subway costs. Knowing the cost of the subway really helped us when purchasing subway tickets!!! Sometimes it was still confusing selecting the buttons on a screen full of Japanese while a line of locals are lining up behind you, but as long as you know you are purchasing at the correct machine for the line you want to go on, just select and enter the dollar value at the bottom right corner, and it will take you to where you want to go, haha!
A website I used frequently while I was doing my researching is I find it very useful while I was planning.
我出國前習慣一定會把功課做好! 我蒐集資料的方式有很多; 我會在Instagram上看別人的圖片, 去看他們的標籤或是打卡的地方找到那些景點或餐廳再自己google看看評價如何, 我也會問我周邊去過日本的人推薦去哪兒玩, 上網讀別人的文章參考
但由於我上班最忙的時間是八月到九月中, 訂完機票後一眨眼就差不多要出國了
我沒有很仔細的去查東京坐電車的省錢方式, 不然應該可以省一筆錢
我花了差不多一整個早上和下午的時間整理好日本的行程, 最後排的是9/28到10/4在東京, 10/4到10/6在京都, 10/6到10/8在大阪
日本行結束後開始後悔說如果我離開之前有時間好好做足功課, 我就會多排一天在京都, 京都真太多地方值得一去!!
因為在東京有足夠的時間, 我是分地區去排我們的行程表, 東京非常無敵大!! 所有的景點都很遠, 真的要做足好功課才可以節省時間, 把所有同個地區想看的想吃的地方濃縮到一天裡的schedule
而且我真的要大大稱讚Google Map真的太神了! 它非常的精準~!!! 從哪裡到哪裡的時間還有坐地鐵的價錢都非常清楚正確
對我來說, 知道地鐵的價錢很有幫助!! 因為有時候在你站在買票機前面試著要了解要買到哪一站時, 而你後面有好幾個人在排隊讓你有種莫名的壓力, 只要你確定你在買的是你目的地的地鐵線, 你可以直接按右下角有個價錢的選項, 把Google Map顯示的價錢打進去就ok了!
有個網站我滿推薦關於旅遊日本 一切都寫的滿清楚的!

My daily schedule in Japan, 我在日本每日的行程

We arrived at Narita Airport on Monday evening. When I researched about taking subway from aiprot to Shinjuku station, most of the bloggers recommended taking the NEX train. I was under the impression that they only offered round trip tickets, but the lady at the counter sold us one way ticket which was $2,990 yen. It started from airport terminal, and have two stops before Shinjuku station, they were Tokyo station and Shibuya station. The NEX train ride was about an hour and a half. 
All of our friends who have been or lived in Japan recommend us to stay at Shinjuku station as it is the most convenient station of all, so Amy and I booked a cozy Airbnb at the Shinjuku district. The direction that the Airbnb host had given us was extremely confusing; it took us hours to finally find it and settled in. It is about a ten minutes walk from Shinjuku station.
我們在傍晚到達了成田機場. 一走出機場的通道就看到很大NEX的標誌
我印象中之前蒐集資料的時候有多NEX是最方便又省時間到東京的機場接送車, 不過只有賣來回車票
但是我問了NEX櫃檯的小姐, 他有賣單程票, 一個人是$2990日幣
從機場起站到新宿站差不多一個半小時, 沿途經過東京站和涉谷站
我所有去過或住過東京的朋友都是推薦我們住在新宿區 因為是搭車最方便的一站, 所以我跟Amy就在新宿區訂了Airbnb
但Airbnb那位先生給我們的路線圖真的很爛..... 我們花了大概兩個小時吧(!?)才終於找到地點在哪, 是離新宿站走路差不多十分鐘的距離
到Airbnb後也都晚上十點多快累死了 所以我們就直接睡了

[First Day第一天]
The Airbnb we stayed at provided the pocket wifi. If you want to book Airbnb like us, I would recommend everyone to filter the search with pocket wifi. It is very handy for tourists, and you don't need to go search for Starbucks for wifi in every corner. The battery of these pocket wifi can last about 12 hours.
We went to eat the famous Yilan Ramen the first day we arrived. 
You choose and pay the noodles from a machine before you head into the restaurant. The machine will print you a ticket, and you bring the ticket in to find a spot to sit. You will then get to choose the thickness of your noodles, soup, flavour and other food that you would like to go with the Ramen. You can choose the language for the piece of paper, so not to worry!
I find the ramen to be decent (I will name a REALLY good one later on).
After we ate, we quickly moved on to our schedule =) 
我們住的Airbnb有付隨身上網的無限機台. 如果你也想訂Airbnb的話, 我會推薦你在查詢房間的時候可以看看你選的地方有沒有附這個. 這非常方便而且電力差不多是12小時, 隨身都可攜帶, 你不需要到處去找星巴克偷wifi.
我們去吃了很有名的一蘭拉麵, 他就在新宿站附近
一進去店裡, 就有一台機器可以讓你選擇你想吃的拉麵. 選好付完錢後 機器就會給你一張票, 你就拿那張票進去店裡裡面. 
有空位就可以坐, 然後會給你一張可以選擇麵的粗細度的表格~ 這表格有很多國家的語言 所以不需要怕看不懂日文!
我覺得一蘭的拉麵還好 (之後會推薦一個超厲害的!)
吃完後 我們就出發準備好好玩日本 =)

     The machine拉麵選擇機器     Modify your ramen自我調配拉麵       Yilan Ramen 一蘭拉麵

Odaiba district was the first district we went on the first day of our Japan trip. 
We went to see the famous, Gundam. Amy was very thrilled lol
And we just walked alone the distict and did shopping in the mall all afternoon.
We went to a restaurant by the water called, Bill's. I read the review online that the banana pancake is really delicious so that's what we got.
It was not that busy that evening, but I made reservation online before as I heard the lineup could take a while. Online reservation can be made here
The banana pancake was pretty good, but a little bit too sweet for me.
After the dessert, we walked along the sea wall and viewed the beautiful rainbow bridge and Statue of Liberty.
Amy really wanted to go on the ferris whee, so we went.
We did the crystal cabin for $920 yen; it was not that busy that night and we lined up for about 20 minutes.
I sceamed my head off for the first ten minutes of the ride as I was really scared lol
We got to see the Tokyo night view when we got to the top of the ferris wheel.
After ferris wheel, we took the subway and went to Tokyo Tower; Odaiba and Tokyo Tower is sort of close to one and other.
Tokyo Tower was bigger than I thought, and I thought the red and white is absolutely gorgeous! 
We didn't go on top of the Tokyo Tower as we made plans to go on top of Tokyo Sky Tree.
We did a lotttttttttttttttt of walking that day, and just grabbed some snacks at 7-11 and went back to our Airbnb to rest.
我們去看了有名的鋼彈, Amy非常的開心 lol 之後我們就在台場附近的廣場晃了一整個下午
晚上我們去了一間我查到的點心店叫做Bill's, 我們就點了最受好評的就是蛋糕鬆餅. 滿好吃的, 但是太甜了一點
我們去的那傍晚店裡沒有很忙, 但是我看了之前很多人都說要排隊排很久, 所以我有先在網路上訂位~ Bill's觀網上就可以訂了
吃完甜點後, 我們就沿著海岸走欣賞著彩虹橋和自由女神像~
Amy非常想搭摩天輪, 所以我們就去搭了
她選了水晶覽車, 就是完全透明的那種.... 水晶覽車比較貴, 一個人是$920日幣. 那晚人不多, 排了大概二十分鐘就換我們了
剛進去後我整個驚聲尖叫了十分鐘, 真的太可怕了!
在摩天輪升到最頂點後, 我們看到了美麗繁忙的東京夜景~
我真的覺的東京鐵塔超美麗的~~~~~!!! 認真覺得他不輸巴黎鐵塔! 他的紅色跟白色好美麗鷗~
我們沒有上去巴黎鐵塔 因為我們已經計畫要去晴空塔看夜景了
那天走了非常非常多路, 所以我們之後就在7-11買了一些三明治和零食後就回Airbnb休息了

[Second Day第二天]
I am a HUGEEEE fan of Disney. I love everything Disney!!! So after I found out that there is Disney Sea at Tokyo, I had to drag Amy to go with me without a doubt.
I bought the Disney Sea ticket with an app called Klook. It allows you to book attractions at an insider price. I think I got the Disney Sea tickets for around $60usd (this was when Canadian dollar wasn't as bad as now lol)
After the purchase is done on the app, it will send you an e-mail confirmation with the ticket, so you can print at home and bring it with you.
It was a very sunny day =D Amy and I got up early and walked to the bus stop to take the Disney bus. Further info is here
The bus ride is about 40 minutes from Shinjuku station to Disney Sea. It is $820yen one way.
We were at Disney at the end of September, and there was already Halloween decorations!
There was no castle at Disney Sea, but a huge mountain with lots of water. 
I won't go into too much details about the rides at Disney Sea as they are pretty similar with the ones at Disney World.
MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE part was The Little Mermaid Blue Lagoon<3<3<3
We lined up for about an hour to watch the Little Mermaid live show. It was fully in Japanese, and we had no idea what they were saying, but the performance was really good!
The night show by the water is called Fantasmic, and starts at 8:00pm.
Amy and I were thinking to go around 7:30pm to get a good spot, but we ended up deciding going to get a spot earlier. 
I believe it was early 7:00pm, and all the best spot were taken already! We got the middle of the centre but a bit far away from the water. Make sure you go early to get a good spot!!!
The show was fully in Japanese lol! Amy and I coud not understand a single word but we still enjoyed the show, haha.
The fireworks show at Disney World Magic Kingdom was better than this one, in my opinion.
It was a longggg day, and this concluded our second day in Tokyo.
我是一個超級愛迪士尼的人!!! 所以在我知道東京有迪士奈海洋館之後 我當然要硬拉著Amy陪我一起去 哈哈
我是用一個叫Klook的app買迪士尼票的. 這個app有很多在亞洲國家的促銷票價, 我當時應該是以美金$60塊左右買到一張Disney Sea的票 (那時的加幣還沒有現在的慘跌 lol)
在Klook上買好票後, 他就會發一封email到你的信箱就可以把買好的票印下來
我們去迪士尼那天很幸運 天氣非常好! =D 我跟Amy一早起來就走路到新宿附近可以搭迪士尼的接駁車的站牌搭車. 接駁車的時間可以在這裡找到
車程差不多40分鐘, 單程是$820日幣
Disney Sea沒有城堡, 只有一個很大的火山和海
我最最最喜歡的就是小美人魚的海洋之家<3<3<3 裡面超級可惡可愛~~~~~~~~~~~~~
我們排了差不多一個多小時的隊伍就為了要看小美人魚的真人版, 整個劇都是日文! 雖然聽不懂, 但是畢竟看過電影, 而且從演員生動的表演裡也覺得非常好看!!!
晚上在水上的水舞表演叫做Fantasmic 我們去的時候是晚上八點演出
我跟Amy原本的打算是大概七點半去卡位, 但因為前面的行程突然提早結速, 我們就打算先過去水邊看看
那時大概才剛七點吧? 但最前面最中間的位置已經被搶走了! 我們是坐在中間中間的位置. 記得一定要提早去卡位!!!!
整個水舞秀也是日文 lol 聽不懂但還是看得津津有味 哈哈
我個人還是覺得在佛羅里達州Disney World Magic Kingdom的城堡煙火秀還是更有看頭很多, 但Fantasmic的表演也是另一種感覺

[Third Day第三天]
Walked too much for the first two days, so we left our Airbnb a bit later on this day.
We first took the subway to a restaurant that is well known for its pork cutlet with curry sauce (I randomly found this on Instagram #tokyofood).
The name of the restaurant is かつ進. the address is  6 Chome-7-4 Sotokanda, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan. 
There was no reservation, so we lined up for about 20 minutes.
I ordered a beer and the pork cutlet with curry sauce for $1800yen. It was very yummy! =)
Though the waitress did not speak English, but they were friendly. I would recommend people can come try
前兩天走太多路了 所以我們第三天中午才出門
我們搭了地鐵準備要去我查到一家珈哩豬排飯很有名的餐廳 (我是在Instagram上標籤#tokyofood找到的餐廳)
餐廳名字叫做かつ進, 住址是6 Chome-7-4 Sotokanda, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan 
餐廳不接受訂位 所以我們等了大概20分鐘左右
我點了一個啤酒跟一個珈哩哩豬排飯總共$1800日幣. 非常好吃! =)
阿姨雖然不會講英文, 不過服務態度很親切, 我會推薦大家來這裡吃


After we finished the delicious lunch, we headed over to the famous Senso-ji~ This temple was on my bucket list!
When I saw the big red lantern with the black Chinese font, I was super stoked~~~~~!
There is a long road full with shops of snacks and souvenir after the big red lantern that leads to the main temple.
I wished for a safe and happy year for all my friends and families.
吃完飯後呢 我們就搭電車前往有名的淺草寺~ 淺草寺是我日本行很期待前往的地方之一!
過了雷門後就是一條商店街通到主寺廟, 有賣很多小吃和紀念品
不免俗的我有拜拜也有求簽 耶~

[Fourth Day第四天]
This day was the day that I planned the most walking, so we mut have a good meal to start the day with.
Our friend Christina had recommended us that we must go to Mutekiya for ramen in Harajuku. I did a bit of research of this ramen, and it has extremely high rating online.
We took the subway and headed for the famous Mutekiya. Here is the restaurant's official website
There was a lineup for about fifteen people when we arrived. As you are waiting in line, you can look at the menu and decide what you would like to order. The menu is in many different languages.
I think we waited for about 30 to 40 minutes. The restaurant isn't big, fits about 20 people.
I ordered the most basic one called Genkotsumen and gyoza. Amy got a fancy one which I forgot the name (think it was the Nikutamamen).
This is by far THE BEST RAMEN that I have EVER had. Ohmygodddddddddddddddd, it was SOOO good!!!!! 
The sliced tender roasted pork, thick noodles, with such an amazing rich broth. Heaven in a bowl indeed<3
這是我安排最多走路的一天, 所以我們一定要填飽肚子才有體力趴趴走
我們的朋友Christina之前住過東京一段時間, 她大力推薦我們一定要去吃池袋的無敵家. 去之前我也查了一下, 這家拉麵店的風評真的非常高 餐廳網址在這
到的時候已經差不多有十幾個人在排隊了, 你在等的時候就有菜單可以看. 菜單有多種語言的選項 不用擔心看不懂
我們等了大概半小時到40分鐘後進去了, 餐廳不大 大概塞個20個人左右
我點了最普通的拉麵叫做Genkotsumen和煎餃. Amy點了一個配料很多的好像叫做Nikutamamen
這是我這輩子吃過最好吃的拉麵. 天哪 真的超級無敵好吃!!!!

After we finished the delicious ramen, we started walking towards the south. 
We walked to Meijinjingu Temple, and only stayed briefly there and walked towards Shibuya.
One of the biggest attractions at Shibuya would be the famous Shibuya crossing.
It's located right in front of Shibuya Station exit. It stops vehicles in all directions to allow pedestrians to commute the entire intersection.
During rush hours, you will see tons of people crossing the intersection, and I guess this is something the occurs daily to the Japanese, and they would not see this as an "attraction." But for travelers like Amy and I, along with other tourists, find the Shibuya crossing very amusing. 
I had been through the Shibuya crossing when I was with my parents in Japan for my first time back in 2005, so it was not that amusing for me. On the other hand, Amy was very amused by it haha, and we took a whole bunch of pictures and videos. 
We were so focused on the Shibuya crossing and all the big billboards surrounded around us, and did not realized the DJ Headhunterz was right behind us. 
We were already going to see him at ELE Tokyo the same night, and saw his IG photo that he took a picture at Shibuya crossing with me and Amy right behind him in his picture, hahahaha (we found out about this as we were getting ready at night to see him).
Anyway, we went shopping at the famous department store, 109. Amy got a hat, and I got a pair of dress pants for $3780yen.
After a long day of walking, we took subway back to our Airbnb and was getting ready to go to ELE Tokyo to see Headhunterz. 
吃完了超級好吃的拉麵以後, 我們開始往南的方向移動
我們走到了明志神宮. 在那裡待了很短暫後就往涉谷的方向走
涉谷最有名的景點之一就是Shibuya crossing和忠狗
它是在涉谷站一出來的一個很大的馬路交接口. 紅綠時所有的車子都會停下來讓人行通勤, 場面非常浩大!
在上下班的巔峰時間, 你會看到超級多人同時一起過馬路的那浩大場面. 我想對當地日本人來說這根本就見怪不怪不會把它當作一個"景點"來看. 不過像是我和Amy這些觀光客當然還是很容易被這吸引住
我跟陳爸陳媽十年前第一次來日本的時候就有經歷過Shibua crossing了, 所以這次對這沒有什麼特別的感覺, 但是Amy非常的興奮 哈哈, 我們當然還是不免俗的拍了很多照片
就在我們沉浸在五光十射的霓虹燈招牌裡的時候, 完全沒有發現DJ Headhunterz居然就在我們的正後面!
我們原本就打算晚上要去ELE Tokyo夜店看他, 是我們晚上在準備要去的時候看到他的Instagram上面居然照了他在涉谷的照片, 而我跟Amy就在那照片裡的背景 哈哈哈! 而且拍的超清楚的
穿過了Shibuya crossing我跟Amy就去了涉谷很有名的百貨公司叫109. Amy買了一個帽子 我買了一個$3780日幣的西裝褲
又是一個走了超多路的一天, 買完東西就搭車回去我們的民宿準備晚上去ELE Tokyo

[Fifth Day第五天]
The last day in Tokyo, we visited Tokyo Imperial Palace and Tokyo Skytree.
The palace is quite big but you can't see the actual palace itself. I was expecting we could see it.
It was a really nice weather, and there is a big lawn, and we saw many people were relaxing on the lawn, so we decided to do the same thing.
The grass is very green and super spikey lol
We chilled there for the afternoon and headed over for Tokyo Skytree.
Amy didn't want to go on top of the Skytree, so she went shopping around and I went on top of the Skytree.
The ticket was $2000yen. It was super crowded that day because it was Saturday, and I think I lined up for about an hour to get ticket.
I went just before sunset because I wanted to see sunset and the city's night view.
Tokyo is reeeeeeeeeeeally big!!! The Tokyo Tower and Odaiba are all so far away from Skytree, it was very hard to see.
I've seen many cities' night view. Tokyo nightview is so-so for me(I think Taipei's night view is better). My favourite city's nightview remains Paris(it is such a lovely city).
After I met up with Amy, we went to the cosmetic store and bought lots of makeup and essentials.
I think you need to spend $5000yen minimum in order to get tax free.
Remember to bring your passport with you when purchasing these tax free items! They would seal the products in a tax free bag, and you cannot open the bag until you leave Japan. I can't exactly remember this now, but I think they staple the receipt in your passport and they also give you a seperate receipt, and you need to give those back at the airport before departure.
There are many tax free cosmetic stores on the street. Keep in mind to compare the pricing between stores as each store has a different pricing.
在東京的最後一天, 我們去了東京首相住的皇宮和晴空塔
皇宮的面積還滿大的, 但是無法看到皇宮的模樣
那天天氣很好, 皇宮裡有一個很大的草原, 那天很多人都躺在草原上休閒, 所以我們也入境隨俗~
那草非常的綠和刺 哈哈, 建議大家可以穿厚一點的衣服或帶東西鋪著
Amy不想看夜景, 所以她就去附近晃晃, 我就自己上去晴空塔
入場費是$2000日幣. 因為是星期六的關係, 超級無敵多人! 我排了差不多一個小時的隊才買到票
我特別選在黃昏前去, 因為我想看黃昏的東京跟東京的夜景
上到晴空塔後才發現東京真的很大!!!!! 東京鐵塔和台場的摩天輪在晴空塔上看都超級無敵小的
我看過滿多城市的夜景. 對我來說我覺得日本的夜景還好(我覺得台灣的還比較漂亮). 我現在最愛的城市夜景還是非巴黎莫屬(這城市真的太美了)
結束晴空塔行, 我跟Amy就去藥妝店購買戰利品. 日本真的很好逛, 東西五花八門可以逛很久!
在買這些免稅品時記得要帶護照! 她們會把你買的免稅物品裝到一個透明的大袋子裡面再封起來. 絕對不可以打開這袋子直到出境日本後, 不然被查到的話, 這些都不能算免稅物品喔~ 
我現在不大記得details了 但我記得他們會把收據訂在你個護照裡面, 然後好像會在給你另一個收據. 你在機場出境的時候, 要把收據給機場的相關人員.
東京街頭有非常多看起來很類似的免稅藥妝店, 記得要貨比三家, 因為每家的價錢可能都會有一點不一樣喔~


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